Seeking Approval of RFQ and Go-To-Market document set

The Sourcing Lead seeks approval of the RFQ and Go to Market documentation from an approver who has been assigned the P2i Senior Director role. The project's P2i Senior User or P2i Regional Manager is responsible for seeking approval of the RFQ and Go-to-Market document set.

Before seeking approval, add your P2i Senior Director to the Project Approver List.

Adding approvers to the Project Approver List

In P2i, there are a series of tasks that require one or more approvers. These approvers are assigned to P2i roles.

To add an approver to the Project Approver List:

  1. Click Project Approver List (7).

  2. Click P2i Senior Director.

  3. Type the approver's first name or last name and click to select.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Workflow to return to the project tasks.

Seeking approval of the the RFx and Go-To-Market document set

To seek approval:

  1. Click the Seek Approval Of RFx and Go-To-Market document set (RFQ) task.

  2. Read the requirements listed under Task Instructions

  3. Click Back to List

  4. Click Request Approval on the line for Seek Approval Of RFx and Go-To-Market document set (RFQ)

  5. Add the following description of the approval request.

  6. Note  

    By approving this RFQ, you acknowledge:

    1. Funding has been approved by appropriate financial delegate

    2. Go To Market documents have been reviewed and

    3. RFQ can be published.

    If you reject, please provide comment when prompted.

  7. Click Send Approval Request.

Note The task is now Awaiting Approval from the Senior Director. The Senior Director receives a email with a link to the approval task. Alternatively, the Senior Director can access all approvals via the approvals dashboard in P2i. Refer to the topic, Approving an RFQ to Go-To-Market for instructions on how to approve the RFQ.